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Danes Educational Trust held their first primary Learner Voice Council induction day at Ascot Road School Posted on: 30/01/2023

Danes Educational Trust held their first primary Learner Voice Council induction day at Ascot Road School

On 10 January, Danes Educational Trust held their first primary Learner Voice Council induction day at Ascot Road School.  The LVC programme guides pupils through university style active research where they work alongside staff to develop the teaching and learning within their school.  This work encourages pupils to become agents of change within the school community, empowering them to play a part in shaping their own lives and to go out into the world as its leaders.  The programme has been running in our secondary schools for two years and we are delighted to be able to bring the successful work to our primary schools. 60 pupils from across our four primaries took part in a series of workshops before beginning their own LVC journey.  It was a pleasure to watch our incredible LVC from Chancellor’s School lead an expert session on ‘What the LVC means to me’.  Sincere thanks to specialist practitioners Nicola Spencer, DET Oracy lead; Louise Wickenden, Associate Assistant Head SCD; and Jo West, Ascot Road Outdoor lead who led outstanding sessions on oracy, building self-confidence and Forest School.  Huge thanks to Cathy Elsley and the Ascot Road team for hosting the day and giving guest staff and pupils such a warm welcome. The pupils were an absolute credit to their schools on the day, taking part enthusiastically and wholeheartedly.  It was particularly inspiring to watch them forming links both within but also across schools.  We hope they got as much out of it as we did.  The pupils now return to their home school to take part in the LVC programme. If you would like further information on the Learner Voice Council programme, please contact Nikki Railton

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